Brianna by Mayde Beauty Review | Look like Beyonce for $25?!

I recently came across the Brianna unit by Mayde Beauty on WigTypes, and when I saw that she came in my favorite wig color blend (FFHotChoco) I immediately knew that I had to have her. This wig has a beautiful body wave to it, is super long (to my waist, and I’m a tall girl), and gives me Beyonce vibes (Heyyyy Mrs. Carter).
All for about $25.
Did I mention that it’s big head friendly?
My favorite thing about Brianna is the style and color. I literally didn’t have to do anything to this wig when I took it out of the package other than blend the part. There was no lace to cut or anything like that, so this would be a great wig for beginners.
Check out my review of Brianna by Mayde Beauty, to hear all about how she’s been wearing so far (shedding, matting, tangling, cap construction, etc,). I think I’m ready to switch back to blonde for the summer, so I’m on the hunt for more wigs in this color blend. I already have a few on deck, that I’ve previously reviewed on my channel…but there’s always room for more.
What’s your go-to wig for the summer? Let me know in the comments!
Stylishly Yours,
Theresa Seyi